Xtreme Tab 81 - Motherboard

Guide with all the necessary steps so that you can change the Xtreme Tab 81 motherboard yourself.


Tutorial: Step by step

Step 1 housing

To remove the housing use the prying tool carefully prying.

Step 2 Adhesives

Remove the adhesives that cover the base plate.

One of the adhesives has thermal paste, it is recommended to replace it in case of removing this too.

Step 3 Cables flex

In this step we must carefully remove the resinous adhesive that holds the flexes to the base plate before being able to disconnect them.

Once we clean the resin enough, we will gently pry it under the connector.

Step 4

In this step we clean the resin of the flex of the lateral buttons to later desoldarlo.

We will also disconnect the flex from the digitizer by previously cleaning the adhesive.

Step 5

Remove the remaining adhesives that hold the battery to the base plate and the frame before proceeding to desolder.

Step 6 Desoldar

We will dispose to desolder the elements attached to the plate. To facilitate the process, we will use a desoldering mesh to clean the remains of tin that will be stuck to it.

The first flex that we show is that of the side buttons. This flex is quite fragile, is welded and probably still stuck by remnants of the adhesive resin.

Do this step very carefully to avoid having to replace it.

Step 7

Unsolder the speaker and the battery from the motherboard.

Step 8

Unsolder the coaxial cables in the two welding points that each one has.

Use the desoldering mesh to clean the tin.

Step 9 Removing the motherboard

Remove the three screws that hold the base plate to the frame and we will have disassembled the base plate.

Video Tutorial summary

In this video you can watch a quick summary of the tutorial, but we recommend to follow the complete tutorial, with its explanations and detailed images.
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