Sony Xperia U - Display LCD

Guide with all the necessary steps for you to change the LCD display of the Sony Xperia U (ST25i) yourself


Tutorial: Step by step

Step 1 Back cover

Press the button with the Sony-Ericsson logo on the bottom of the lid.

Push the cover up with your fingers and remove it.

Step 2 Battery

Remove the battery by pulling on the top.

Step 3 Lower antenna

Remove the lower housing that protects the antenna.

Step 4 Intermediate housing

Remove the 8 Torx screws and separate the intermediate housing and lower antenna.

Step 5 Motherboard

Separate and disconnect the screen from the motherboard.

Step 6 Digitizer (touch screen)

Unplug and detach the flex from the digitizer.


You will need to apply heat to the screen, in order to soften the glue and to peel off easily. We suggest the use of HOT GLASS, with high thermal retention.

Insert the HOT GLASS in the microwave for the time specified in the instructions.

To heat it evenly, it is necessary to interrupt the microwave every 30 seconds to distribute heat throughout the HOT GLASS with your hands.

Apply heat to the edges of the screen for a couple of minutes.

Step 8

Insert the tip of the prong between the digitizer glass and the housing.

Scroll the outline of the phone to detach the adhesive, avoiding the bottom side to avoid damaging the flex.

Step 9

Separate the digitizer glass, carefully moving the flex so as not to damage it.

Step 10 Display LCD

Lift off the display flex at the back of the screen.

Step 11

Detach the display from the housing, pushing the flex from behind.

Video Tutorial summary

In this video you can watch a quick summary of the tutorial, but we recommend to follow the complete tutorial, with its explanations and detailed images.
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