Samsung Galaxy Note 9 - Volume and Bixby keys

Guide with all the necessary steps so that you can change the components of the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 (SM-N960F) yourself.


Tutorial: Step by step

Step 1 Heat back cover

We start by heating the lid to soften the adhesive and make it easier to peel it off. We heat it to about 65 ° C for about a minute.

Step 2 Take off back cover

With the hot back cover, we slide a flat tool around the contour between it and the frame. Once detached, we will disconnect the fingerprint reader to separate it.

Step 3 Remove NFC antenna

Take off the NFC antenna, remove the nine Phillips screws (PH # 00) that hold the intermediate housing and disengage it.

Step 4 Remove intermediate housings and speaker module

Step 5 Remove components

We disconnected the front cameras, the battery, the flex of the proximity sensor and flash, the flexes of the screen and the auxiliary plate.

Step 6 Removing the motherboard

Remove the three Phillips screws (PH # 00) that hold the motherboard and the SIM / SD tray. Now we can undo the base plate of the chassis.

Step 7 Remove side buttons

We take off the flex of the chassis and disengage the button.

Step 8 Volume and Bixby keys

We will press from inside to outside to remove the keys from the frame.

Video Tutorial summary

In this video you can watch a quick summary of the tutorial, but we recommend to follow the complete tutorial, with its explanations and detailed images.
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