Samsung Gear VR - Flex del touchpad

Guide with all the necessary steps so that you can change the flex of the touchpad of the Samsnug Gear VR yourself


For this tutorial you will need the following spared parts and tools

Tutorial: Step by step

Step 1 Samsung Gear VR

We remove what can bother us when performing any repair on the glasses.

Step 2 Front case

Remove the covers that cover the 6 Phillips screws (PH # 00), and lift the case as if it were a book, and remove the other 4 screws (PH # 00) that hold the pin with the microusb connector.

Step 3 Pin with microusb connector

Remove the 3 Phillips screws (PH # 00) from the housing that protects the plate and disconnect the flex from the pin with microusb connector.

Step 4 Intermediate housing and plate

Remove the 9 Phillips screws (PH # 00), disconnect all the flexes that are connected in the plate, with an opening tool remove the plate, and proceed to remove the intermediate casing.

Step 5 Back button support

We remove the flex support from the back button.

Step 6 Flex del touchpad

We apply a little heat to the flex so that it is easier to detach it, and with a flat opening tool we take it off.

Video Tutorial summary

In this video you can watch a quick summary of the tutorial, but we recommend to follow the complete tutorial, with its explanations and detailed images.
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