Pebble smartwatch - Flex push buttons

Guides with all the necessary steps so that you repair the Pebble smartwatch yourself.


For this tutorial you will need the following spared parts and tools

Tutorial: Step by step

Step 1 Pebble smartwatch

Dimensiones: 52 x 36 x 11.5 mm.
Peso: 38 g.
Pantalla: 144×168 pixel Sharp Memory LCD "e-paper".
Procesador: STM32F205RE Cortex M3 CPU.
Memoria: 512 KiB SoC flash memory, RAM 128 KB. 
Batería: 130 mAh.
Sistema operativo: Pebble OS. 

We will start by removing the four Torx T4 screws that hold the rear case.

Step 2 Take off the back cover

After removing the screws we will have to take off the vibrator, which is glued to the plate and the back shell, before removing it.

Step 3 Remove inner casing

First we will remove the insulating rubber to avoid losing it or damaging it.

Afterwards we will disengage the inner casing, very carefully since this is very weak.

Step 4 Flex push buttons

To remove the flex, simply disconnect it from the base plate and detach it from the inner shell.

Video Tutorial summary

In this video you can watch a quick summary of the tutorial, but we recommend to follow the complete tutorial, with its explanations and detailed images.
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