Alcatel One Touch Pixi 3 10" - Motherboard

Guide with all the necessary steps so that you can change the Alcatel Onetouch Pixi 3 10 components yourself ".


Tutorial: Step by step

Step 1 Remove back casing

We start by removing the back cover. To do this, first open the cover where the SD card goes to remove the screw that holds it and then we will use an opening tool, sliding it around the contour, we will release the notches that hold it.

Step 2 Disconnect components

Remove the screws that hold the base plate, detach the antenna from the chassis, disconnect the flex from the digitizer and the side pushbuttons and detach the rear camera.

Step 3 Removing the motherboard

We disconnect the flex from the LCD display and take off the speaker and the battery. Now we can remove the motherboard with the rest of the components.

Step 4 Motherboard

To finish we disconnect the front camera and desoldamos the rest of components.

Video Tutorial summary

In this video you can watch a quick summary of the tutorial, but we recommend to follow the complete tutorial, with its explanations and detailed images.
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