Elephone S8 - Vibrator

Guide with all the steps necessary for you to change the Elephone S8 components yourself.


Tutorial: Step by step

Step 1 Remove back cover

We start by heating the back part at about 65 ° C for about a minute to soften the adhesive that holds the lid. When it is hot, we introduce an opening tool between it and the frame to take it off.

Step 2 Remove intermediate housing

We took out the seventeen Phillips screws (PH # 00) that hold the intermediate housing and then pulled it off by prying it all the way around.

Step 3 Vibrator

To finish, we take off the vibrator and desoldamos it of the auxiliary plate.

Video Tutorial summary

In this video you can watch a quick summary of the tutorial, but we recommend to follow the complete tutorial, with its explanations and detailed images.
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